Monday, May 11, 2020

Staying Positive and Creative Through Isolation ... Tree of Life

This is a post I created on how to make your own hanging  'Tree of Life'

You will need:

1.  Heavy wire .. to make the outer circle
2.  Thinner wires in a range of colours to cretics the trunk and branches
3.  Beads to crystal chips


Firstly: Cut a long length of wire of the thicker wire (approx 1.25mm is ideal) create the outer ring (approx 5 inch in diameter).

Create the outer circle:
With the remaining length of the wire loop around the edge to create spiral pattern and strengthen your circle.
** Don't worry if it goes out of shape, you can amend this at the end.

Create the trunk: 
Twist the different toured pieces of wire together to create a trunk.  Twist together in pairs to start with, approx 3 inches in length, leaving a gap at the bottom to create the roots.

Create the branches:
Start to create the branches by attaching the remaining loose wires around the top of the circle to create branches (see image on the left).  Thicker branches are created by doubling back on the branches to create off-shoots.  When you have finished it should look something like the image on the right.

You are now ready to add the beads or crystals.

Adding the crystals / beads:
Add as many or as few crystals as you want till you are happy with how it looks.

Once you are happy with the look, you can add a hanger using a piece of wool, nylon thread or by making a wire hook 

Staying Positive and Creative Through Isolation .. Unique coasters

Staying positive through social isolation has not always been easy, but Nic e weather and a positive attitude has helped.  With that in mind I am adding a couple of tutorials that I have made and published on social media over the last couple of weeks.

This is the first tutorial that I did at the start of isolation .. How to create your own unique coasters with a ceramic tile and a bit of decoupage.

Materials needed:
Ceramic tile - I use the cheap white ones
Tissue or decorative napkin
Mod Podge
Pain Brush
Varnish (optional)

Video 1

Video 2
Video 3

Good luck and keep positive xx